T934 – Summer Camp Registration and Recharter
Summer Camp registration is now starting. An email from Shannon went out to all email addresses she had on file. If you did NOT receive this email, please email Shannon at SSettlemire@triad.RC.com. Please note that if your son wants to sign up for the very limited slots for the ATV course session, Shannon needs to know this TONIGHT to get your son considered for the list. Other merit badge session selection forms (for non-Ravens) will be available at troop meeting tonight. A $150 deposit is required for your son to preregister for camp. This can be paid through the link on the Troop website (which will be created soon).
Registration (recharter) for the next year (2022-23) is now DUE. You should have received an invoice (from Square, our registration billing method) for your son which includes his BSA and troop dues for this upcoming year. We need to have this registration submitted my TOMORROW, MARCH 15, to the Council Office. If you have not registered your son by paying the invoice before we submit our registration packet, then you will be required to go through all the trouble to resubmit another application and make payment to the troop AND the council. In short, please make this payment TODAY.