T934 – Recharter and Next Troop Meeting
Parents and Leaders of Troop 934:
It was announced at the Annual Banquet this past Friday that the Old Hickory Council will recharter troops affiliated with organizations that have been reluctant to recharter their associated troops (such as MTUMC). This email does not allow the space to explain MTUMC’s position, but they have chosen rather than an outright recharter, to use an “affiliation agreement,” an option under those currently available to units in our circumstances.
The bottom line is that MTUMC believes this is the best current association for the church and the troop (and Pack). AND the Troop AND Pack agree. Further, the church leadership at MTUMC have unequivocally said MTUMC unreservedly WANT’S the Troop and Pack to remain a ministry of MTUMC. Period.
Thus, Troop 934 (and Pack 934) will continue operating under the umbrella of MTUMC’s ministerial mandate for the year to come and into the future.
We at the troop leadership level are grateful for our continued relationship with MTUMC. We look forward to another 90 years of ministry/youth investment in our partnership with MTUMC.
Our next troop meeting will be January 9. Our next outdoor event will be the Wachovia District Klondike event on Jan 14. We are currently working on overnight plans for this trip. Please stay tuned. It’s a great trip!