T934 – COH, SMC’s, BOR’s and Rechartering Time
The next troop Court of Honor (COH) will be Mar 7. As such, Scoutmaster Conferences (SMC’s) and following Boards of Review (BOR’s) will be available at today’s and next week’s troop meetings for any Scout who has completed (with leader verification) all other rank requirements for the rank to which the Scout aspires for the March COH.
In addition, we have begun the “Rechartering” process for Scouts to reregister in Scouting BSA (and our troop) for another year. The total dues amount has not yet been finalized, nor has the payment method (we hope to possibly make it as easy and convenient as our outdoor sign up system). We need to have our troop registration report to the Council Office in early March. Be on the lookout for additional information soon.