Klondike + Lost Sea
- Klondike registration ends Tuesday at 11.30pm
- The price for Lost Sea goes up $5 tonight at 11.30pm
- Signup for both at https://www.troop934.org/calendar/
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Welcome back! Our first meeting of the year is Monday night at 7pm.
The Outdoor Committe will be meeting at 6pm to discuss the spring calendar. All adult leaders are welcome.
We are now taking Summer Camp deposits — please see the new page on the troop website https://www.troop934.org/summer-camp/.
The Klondike campout is this coming weekend 12th-14th Jan; register by 11.30pm Tuesday night.
There will be a quartermaster workday on Saturday, 6th January from 8.00am until noon. Please come directly to the rear of the church. We will be organizing the room and checking tents and cooking equipment for the coming year. Leaders and parents, please park in the lower lot (outside the gates).
Evan Danhauer’s Eagle Scout Project Workday is this Wednesday, 20th December at Simon’s Green Acre Community Garden (1922 S. MLK Jr. Drive). Starting at 9am Evan will lead the rebuilding of the outdoor stage, which was badly damaged by a falling tree earlier this year. Work gloves, safety glasses and warm work clothes are recommended. If you have questions, please reach out to Evan Danhauer.
A reminder that our next Monday Meeting is not until 8th January 2024.
Spring campout signups are active at https://www.troop934.org/calendar/.
The Klondike Campout is January 12th-14th (MLK Weekend).
Thank you everyone for a successful Banquet and Court of Honor!
Tonight (Monday 4th December) is the deadline for purchasing reserved banquet tickets. A small number of tickets will be available at the door but no guarantees! https://ohc-dba-troop-934.square.site/
Also remember that signups are open for both Klondike and Lost Sea Cave Camping in January. Later this week we will post signups for Winter Backpacking in February and CRK in March which will include an ATV experience (age 14+). Details are on the website https://www.troop934.org/calendar/
Scouts: This Monday, 27th November will be a regular Scout meeting. This is the last meeting before the Banquet/COH on Friday 9th December for Boards of Review and turning in Merit Badges.
Leaders: Several key leaders (including the Lee, Phil and Dan) are out of town and we need all hands on deck to make it happen. Please come early, pitch in and be prepared to stay late.
All: If you have not already, please be sure to buy you banquet tickets. We need to provide a headcount on Tuesday 5th December.
Finally, a reminder that Jack Galyon’s Eagle Fundraiser Carwash starts at noon on Saturday.
Jack Galyon will be holding a car wash for his Eagle Scout fundraiser on Saturday, November 25, from Noon to 4pm in the Mount Tabor United Methodist Church parking lot. Scouts, these will count as service hours (please arrive 11.45am to help with setup). Any and all help is appreciated, and donations will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Hello everyone,
Several important updates to share.
December Banquet/Court of Honor is on FRIDAY, December 8th at 6pm. Meal tickets are $15/person and are available at https://ohc-dba-troop-934.square.site/. This is a Square store (not an Eventbrite). Please purchase tickets ASAP but no later than 4th December.
This coming Saturday, 18th November from 9am-1pm is Webelos Day. Assistance is needed, please contact the SPL. Address is 3700 Old Pfafftown Road (Alexander home in Greenbrier Farm).
Same day, from 1-4pm, there is a Service Hours opportunity at Winston Salem Permaculture Collective, 458 Factory Row in Winston Salem.
Signups for the next two campouts (both in January) are posted/active at https://www.troop934.org/calendar/
Signups for February and March campouts will be posted soon — please watch the troop website
Thank you!
Please click the link and read this (long) post to the end. Several important items to share.
Monday, Sept. 11th is the Court of Honor. We will start 7pm sharp in the Alspaugh Center (MTUMC main level). ALL SCOUTS should attend (wear Class A) and bring at least one parent. A COH is not just about rank advancement — lots of information about the Scout year will be shared. Expect the meeting to last a little longer than usual — grabbing a bite to eat beforehand is advised.
Monday’s COH is also the first popcorn money turn-in + reverse raffle. Remember, no cash — only checks payable to “Troop 934.” Any scout who registers a popcorn or peanut sale of any size is automatically entered in the Week 1 reverse raffle (after Week 1 the minimum is $100 of incremental sales). Any questions please see https://www.troop934.org/popcorn-2023/ For raffle prizes this year we went fewer/bigger/better — this week we are giving away
Also note that our Popcorn Kernal Mr. Love has posted the first Show-and-Sell (Storefront) sign-ups here https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E4DADA828A5FA7-storefront#/ Additional dates and times will be added. You may sign up for more than one but please honor the dates you do sign up for.
The day before the COH, on Sunday, Sept 10th Pack 910 (St. Paul’s, 520 Summit Street) is hosting a field day/pizza party from 3.30 to 5.00 in the playground and portico areas of the church (enter from Pilot View St. on the lower level). Pack 910 needs 4-5 scouts to lead this event. Please let Mr. Lobb know if you can come — daniel@cubscouts910.org or 336-413-3937.
Sign-ups for the Stokes County Campout Sept 15th-17th are currently live on the troop website, here https://www.troop934.org/calendar/. This will be a really fun, full trip with BOTH zip-lining and tubing on the Dan River. Special thanks to George and Diane Clinard for helping offset a significant portion of the total cost of this trip. Additional leaders are needed! Parents, please note — per the Troop policy signups for Scouts will close on Tuesday, Sept 12th at 11.30pm. Remember that campout signups are via Eventbrite only. Thank you for your understanding.
Sign-ups for the October Canoeing at Kerr Scott and November Backpacking at Camp Daniel Boone/Shining Rock Wilderness Area go live right after the COH. Start here https://www.troop934.org/calendar/ As previously announced, the Lost Sea was unable to host us in December and we are attempting to reschedule the Cave Camping trip in January 2024.
As a reminder, while the Seabase ’24 trip is now on a waiting list, there is plenty of room for Scouts and Leaders on our first High Adventure trip to Summit Bechtel Reserve. Please see https://www.troop934.org/summit-experience-24/ for dates, a cost estimate, and other details.
Finally, a word about the troop website/email server. We are a victim of our own success – we have more than 150 subscribers, and when you send out that many emails at once Google and other email providers will sometimes flag you as spam-bot and sweep your important email update to a spam folder. We are working on a solution. In the meantime, please do not assume that everyone has gotten this email on the first distribution — feel free to forward this email link, and keep spreading the word.
Thank you!