Alex Howell’s Eagle Ceremony is this coming Sunday, Nov 1 at 2 PM. Please join Alex and his family in celebrating his achievement. All troop members and leaders are invited. It will be held outside at the Greenbrier Farm neighborhood clubhouse located at 4225 Greenbrier Farm Rd in Winston-Salem. Please bring your own chair, wear a face mask and be mindful of social distancing.
Troop Meeting will be tonight from 6:30 to no later than 8:00. It may end earlier.
“Office hours” for advancement and merit badge checkoffs: 6:00-6:30 (no advancement or MB checkoffs during meeting time). Leaders please arrive early to help with signoffs.
Eagle review meetings BY APPOINTMENT ONLY with the Scoutmaster or Mentors (no Eagle reviews during meeting time).
Leaders get announcements to SPL Will Young in advance of start of meeting.
Tonight’s meeting will be “Office Hours” only (except for Ravens): Advancement and Merit Badge signoffs from 6:00-7:00 at the courtyard area.
Popcorn Sales Turn-In TONIGHT! Everything (Orders, money and prize info) must be turned in TODAY from 6-7pm. This is the only time to turn in orders, you MUST drop them by TODAY.
If you sold “wagon sales” on the app then we need just collected money and prize choice (you MUST come by TONIGHT). If you sold on “paper order forms” then we need the completed order form, collected money and prize choice (you MUST come by TONIGHT). If you sold only online and/or storefront, then we only need your prize choice. You can email this and do not need to come tonight.
Popcorn questions? Email Amanda Treadway at
The whole troop will be meeting tomorrow Monday Oct 12 at 6:30. We will gather in the lower parking lot (where we met for the last Court of Honor).
– The meeting will start at 6:30 SHARP (rain or shine!) Don’t be late.
– We will have patrol meetings.
– Bring your popcorn updates for Ms. Treadway.
– “Office hours” for merit badges and advancement check-offs start at 6:00 at the courtyard (leaders come early to help).
The whole troop will be meeting tomorrow Monday Oct 12 at 6:30. We will gather in the lower parking lot (where we met for the last Court of Honor).
– The meeting will start at 6:30 SHARP (rain or shine!) Don’t be late.
– We will have patrol meetings.
– Bring your popcorn updates for Ms. Treadway.
– “Office hours” for merit badges and advancement check-offs start at 6:00 at the courtyard (leaders come early to help).
Popcorn orders and money due by the 19th.
Remember we ask everyone to sell at least $400.00 to support our troop and council. So ask your friends, neighbors and family to support scouting! Online and phone-to-phone!
If you have any questions or concerns you can email Amanda Treadway at She will be at the meeting tomorrow if you need anything.
Dear All,
I hope you are all well. We have a few reminders for the trip this weekend.
- Arrive at the church Friday between 3:30 and 3:45. We are leaving at 4:00 pm sharp
- All scouts need to submit a signed Troop COVID waiver before departure, if we don’t already have one of you and/or your scout on file. This is form is different than the COVID Risk form from Summer Camp and is Troop specific.
- All scouts will be required to carry their own tent
- Scouts may only tent together if we have written permission from parents of both scouts
- All scouts are required to supply their own meals, including Sunday breakfast and lunch. Water filters and stoves provided by the troop.
- Bring a dinner for Friday that can either be consumed prior to leaving or after arrival.
- Check the weather forecast. Temps will dip into the low 30’s Friday and Saturday night, so be prepared.
Liz Bankson will be standing in for me. Please have your scout check in with Mrs. Bankson, turn in the Troop COVID Form to her and drop off any medication.
The details for our earlier message are on the troop website.
Please contact Shannon Settlemire or Dan Hardy with questions.
So far we have sold 5641.00 toward our 30,000.00 goal. We need everyone’s help to get to our goal! Remember we ask that every scout sell at least 400.00 to help keep our troop funded and active. You can sell online(currently shipping is free on orders over 30.00 and online prices match order forms), on the app or on the paper forms. Call your customers from last year, go door to door, post on social media, ask your friends and neighbors – get creative while staying safe and maintaining social distances.
All orders and money are due by October 19th.
If you have any questions or concerns email me at
Happy Selling!
Amanda Treadway
The troop meeting schedule for the foreseeable future will be:
“Office Hours” every Monday at 6:00-7:00 (or 6:30 if troop meeting)
Troop Meeting – 6:30-7:30 (Oct 12, 26, Nov 9, 23)
Court of Honor – Dec 7 or 14 (TBD)
“Office Hours” =
Merit Badge and Advancement Signoffs
Advancement, Service and Leadership Recordation
Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review
Eagle Book Review – By Appointment ONLY
From the Desk of Scout Master Dan Anthony:
The troop will be holding our first in-person “regular” meeting tomorrow, Sep 28, at 6:30pm at MTUMC. We will be meeting at the same area where the Court of Honor was held. We will be conducting patrol elections and making final preparations for the Grayson Highlands backpacking trip.
Masks and social distancing will be required.
Also, starting this Monday, and for all following Mondays that the troop would “normally” meet, there will be leaders holding “office hours” for advancement and merit badge check off needs and other administrative needs (like popcorn submissions, etc.) We will be located at the courtyard colonnade or, if there is a full troop meeting, where that meeting is designated to take place.
For now, we are aiming for full troop meetings to occur every other week – rain or shine or dark! The troop leadership is hoping we can continue to focus on our outdoor program to be an outlet for our scouts and a means to get advancement needs covered during our unusual restricted COVID-19 time. The biweekly troop meetings will hopefully add to that plan.
From the Desk of Dan Hardy regarding Grayson Highlands Backpack Trip:
Mr. Hardy has typed up a great looking itinerary for our Backpacking Trip to Grayson Highlands and we have embedded it below for your reference.
October 2 – 4, 2020
[embeddoc url=”” viewer=”microsoft”]