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T934 – Conservation Service Hours Opportunity – Saturday Feb 26

Scout Elias Bankson is coordinating an approved conservation service hours project this Saturday, Feb 26, in the Reedy Creek watershed in the Greenbrier Farm neighborhood (off Yadkinville Road in WS). The plan is to conduct stream/trash cleanup. Elias will be coordinating all scouts who show up at 9 AM at the Greenbrier Farm clubhouse located at 4225 Greenbrier Farm Road. Elias plans on the event to last until noon (or three hours of service). Please contact/text Elias at (normal WS area code) 749-3561 if your Scout would like to come so he can have a plan for all who would like to attend.

T934 – COH, SMC’s, BOR’s and Rechartering Time

The next troop Court of Honor (COH) will be Mar 7. As such, Scoutmaster Conferences (SMC’s) and following Boards of Review (BOR’s) will be available at today’s and next week’s troop meetings for any Scout who has completed (with leader verification) all other rank requirements for the rank to which the Scout aspires for the March COH.

In addition, we have begun the “Rechartering” process for Scouts to reregister in Scouting BSA (and our troop) for another year. The total dues amount has not yet been finalized, nor has the payment method (we hope to possibly make it as easy and convenient as our outdoor sign up system). We need to have our troop registration report to the Council Office in early March. Be on the lookout for additional information soon.

T934 – MTUMC Great Day of Service and Aviation Merit Badge

Scouts and Parents (including current Webelos who will be bridging in March):
T934 has added two additional events in March: the Great Day of Service on Saturday, March 12th, and the Aviation Merit Badge College on Saturday, March 26th.
Every year Mr. Steve Kelley leads a patrol of scouts during MTUMC’s Great Day of Service. Scouts who participate will perform at least three hours of community service, which are needed for rank advancement. Scouts and Leaders will also receive a free breakfast and a pizza lunch courtesy of our sponsor organization, Mt Tabor United Methodist Church.
New this year, the NC Transportation Museum in Spencer is hosting a one-day merit badge college for Aviation Merit Badge. Scouts should complete all the requirements for Aviation MB during the event. This is a great opportunity for newer scouts to hit the ground running with an unusual elective merit badge.
Signup links for both are posted at Additional details (including start times) are in the Eventbrite description.

T934 – Scout Sunday Feb 6 – Mandatory For All Scouts and Leaders

Scout Sunday is this coming Sunday when the troop attends our sponsoring church’s service ONE TIME in the calendar year. Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church has provided facilities and support to our troop for 90 YEARS. We, as a troop, honor their commitment to us each year by attending just one service on Scouting’s annual Scout Sunday on Feb 6th at the 11:00 Ignite Service in the Alspaugh Worship Center (where we have Courts of Honor). All troop members should join us for this service by arriving no later than 10>30 AM.

T934 – Scout Sunday This Sunday (Feb 6) and Scouting for Food

Reminder! Scout Sunday and our annual Scouting For Food drive at Mt. Tabor UMC is this coming Sunday, Feb 6. In years past, our troop has almost reached our goal of 2,000 pounds of food for the Maple Springs Food Pantry. We are hoping this is the year!
We need Scouts to collect the food being brought in by the parishioners on Sunday, participate in the church service and to take the donations to the food pantry after services have concluded at 12:00 pm. Donations are already coming in!
We need scouts to come to MTUMC at 8:15 AM to collect the donations for the 9:00 AM service. We need Scouts to come in (or stay from the earlier group) at10:00 AM to collect donations, weigh and record the donations.
All Scouts should be present (or stay from an earlier group) at 10:30 AM to help in the service the troop is responsible for and attending together. Full Class A uniform.
Finally, we need scouts to either stay or come in at 12:00 PM to help take the food over to Maple Springs UMC on 2569 Reynolda Road.
Questions: Shannon Settlemire – 336.692,4519, Steve Kelley – (336) 399-4040 or Chad Marion – (814) 490-0031.

T934 – South Mtn Backpacking Sign Up

This is a reminder for the upcoming South Mountains Backpacking Trip, February 18-20. We have campsite reservations for 48 scouts and leaders divided into 4 treks — Philmont (2) treks and an Intermediate and Raven trek. Departure on Friday is 5PM sharp (if not earlier) as we have to be inside the State Park gate by 7PM. Philmont and Intermediate treks will hike 1-2 miles in the dark after arrival (Ravens step off on Sat AM).
This is a REQUIRED shakedown both for Philmont 2022 (Danhauer/Young) and Philmont 2023 (Marsella/Scott).
Signup at is on the Troop website (

T934 – Sea Base (US Virgin Islands) 2023

We are happy to announce an additional High Adventure trip: US Virgin Islands Sailing Adventure. Dates (excluding travel to/from) are June 23-28, 2023. This Sailing Adventure accommodates 1 crew of 10-12 and is based in Sapphire Bay, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Crews will fly to St. Thomas and spend 5 nights / 6 days on base and on ship.


Without exception, Participants must be 13 years old before the date of their arrival. Participants also must be proficient swimmers, able to nail the BSA swim test. Participants must secure a US Passport prior to departure for airline travel purposes.


Seabase prices at the CREW level. The total cost for the CREW is $15,000. Assuming a full crew of 12 this is $1,250/person due in three installments. If there are less than 12 the price goes up proportionately. Minimum crew size is 10, so the maximum potential extra cost per person is $250. This does not include travel to/from Seabase or food/incidentals during travel. That fee will be collected as a FOURTH payment prior to departure and is expected to be no less than $750 (depending on airfare cost).

The deposit required to secure a spot is $150. Please note — After payment is sent to SeaBase on 1st March 2022 your deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE unless we find a new participant who can reimburse you directly.

USE THE EVENTBRITE SIGNUP LINK BELOW FOR THE DEPOSIT AND TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT. This Will also be posted on the troop calendar homepage (once the system starts cooperating)

Please contact Paul Mistor with additional questions.

T934 – Philmont Sign Up 2023

This is a last call for Philmont 2023. We have only 2 scout slots remaining. Reservations and deposit must be submitted in Eventbrite (troop website) this week, by Jan 28, 2022. We have reserved a 12-day trek for one crew of 12 (8 scouts and 4 leaders) Dates are June 15-27, 2023.
You must be at least 14 years old, have completed 8th grade and be first class AT THE TIME OF THE TRIP to be eligible. If you have questions as to eligibility of your younger scout contact trip coordinator Bryan Scott ( Current Ravens most likely will not qualify based on age. Total cost will be roughly $2,000 per person. The deposit is $150 + fees and must be paid through Eventbrite by 1/28. We will take the remaining payments outside of Eventbrite to avoid additional fees.
The trek will be filled on a first-come, first serve basis based on receipt of the deposit in Eventbrite. Please let us know if you have questions.

T934 – Klondike Signup & Troop Meeting Tomorrow

Scouts (and leaders) should sign up NOW for the annual Wachovia District Klondike Derby camp out and competition. Located in Walkertown, the event is close by. Also, troops compete in scout skills and games of skill. Plus, there are the all important nights of camping. Sign up now!

See you tomorrow, Monday Jan 10, at 7:00 for our first meeting of the calendar year.

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