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T934 – Hayden Craver Eagle Project Workday (Earn Service Hours!)

Hayden Craver is having an Eagle Project workday on Aug 6 from 9AM to 1PM at the WS Nationals Little League ball fields (5542 Phillips Bridge Rd.) We will be painting and repairing dugouts and repairing fencing. Wear clothes that you do not mind getting paint on and bring work gloves if you have them.We will be working in two shifts of 4-5 people from 9-11 and 4-5 people from 11-1. Hayden will be at the field at 8 am.


Contact Hayden Craver with any questions: (WS area code) 690-9188

T934 – Hayden Craver Eagle Project Workday (Earn Service Hours!)

Hayden Craver is having an Eagle Project workday on Aug 6 from 9AM to 1PM at the WS Nationals Little League ball fields (5542 Phillips Bridge Rd.) We will be painting and repairing dugouts and repairing fencing. Wear clothes that you do not mind getting paint on and bring work gloves if you have them.We will be working in two shifts of 4-5 people from 9-11 and 4-5 people from 11-1. Hayden will be at the field at 8 am.


Contact Hayden Craver with any questions: (WS area code) 690-9188

T934 – Deep Creek Tubing Trip (Aug 12) Info

The Deep Creek Tubing Trip is Aug 12. We need a final count by Friday, Jul 29, to order play tickets and get food, etc.; and the registration deadline is Jul 29. We need several more dads to register to provide adequate leadership.

The trip will leave Friday, Aug 12, from the MTUMC parking lot at 10:00 AM to make it to Bryson City in time to set up camp and make it to the play in Cherokee.

T934 – Summer Camp Wed Night Dinner and Camp Canned Food Drive (IMPORTANT – CLICK TO READ WHOLE MSG)

Parents of campers, we look forward to your visit with us tomorrow, Wed, at 5:30 at the camp Chapel (park to the right of the log cabin in the grass off the road and cross the covered bridge to the Chapel). Please bring some canned food for the CRK food drive to help us get the Merit Troop award! If everyone brings at least two cans, we’ll get it!

For Wed night dinner, bring a VARIETY of foods all boys would like (a dozen Chick-Fil-A mega boxes is not a “variety.”) They’ll have been eating camp food all week and some home cooked “comfort foods” are always appreciated. We’ll have paper products, cups, utensils and drinks.

And, please remember no boys go home no matter how much they may ask, plead or beg. It is VERY IMPORTANT for their Scouting advancement and journey that they stay the whole week. The Raven Scouts are all safe and sound and learning a lot. It is hot and they are getting good and tired each day. We’re keeping them watered and well fed. Tell them it is only a few more days till they come home and that you are not allowed to take them home. Just so you know, they are ALL doing well, sleeping soundly and getting to know camp better.

See you Wed at 5:30 at the CRK Chapel (

T934 – Summer Camp – Important Info & Reminders

Summer camp departure is TOMORROW, Sunday Jul 25. We’ll meet at the Mt. Tabor High School “bus parking lot” at 10 AM (please see Shannon Settlemire’s email of Jul 6 for more detail on where that is located).

Class A uniforms are REQUIRED at departure (we will be taking our troop photo in them). NO NECKERCHIEFS – they often get lost. Leave those at home. However, DO BRING your SCOUT HANDBOOK. While all rank advancements and Merit Badge accomplishments are given to us by camp, there still may be time for especially Scouts under 1st Class to knock out some rank requirements.

Bring a bag lunch (fast food is OK). The first meal at camp is Sunday dinner.

Have an extra key (for key locked trunks) or the combo written for us (if a combo lock). If you do not have an extra key, then get a lock with one. A lost single key will require us to destroy the foot locker…

Bring a daypack for carrying a water bottle and swimming clothes and towel (for 1st years). Only trunks/foot lockers (no backpacks) for gear in tents.

Bring all meds in a single ziplock bag with your son’s name and detailed administration directions for each med.

A troop photo will be taken at camp. Most of  you have already ordered this through your preregistration.  If not, we usually have that opportunity to do so on Sunday. Bring $10 cash for a troop pic if you still want one and have not ordered one yet.

Boys will be 2 to a tent. They should have an idea now with whom they want to have as a tentmate (and that feeling should be mutual).

NO PHONES for Raven scouts. LEAVE THEM AT HOME. PLEASE respect this very important rule we have. We encourage all other scouts to leave their phone at home as well. Younger scouts or those with less digital maturity fail to use phones responsibly and often will use these devices to escape from camp responsibilities and social bonding with others in the troop. We will confiscate any phone used in a manner that does not abide by troop rules and Scouting values. Period.

Please attend the Wed night SHARED potluck dinner with the troop. Bring foods your scout and others and their families would like! We will be meeting at the CRK Chapel (again see Shannon’s Jul 6 email for details). It’s a big highlight of the week for the boys (and a great meal, too!) Plan on arriving at camp no later than 5:30, if possible. After dinner, all scouts (and their family’s, if desired) will be attending the Wed night campfire and Order of the Arrow Callout Ceremony that starts at 8:15. All Scouts will remain in attendance at the campfire until its conclusion. If you and your family need to leave before the ceremony is complete, you may; but your son stays with the troop. So prepare for hugs and kisses there and then.

NO SCOUT GOES HOME on Wed night, no matter how much they may beg, cry, demand, throw tantrums, etc. While extreme behavior is very rare, it does happen. However a good many of the 1st year Scouts will ask and may even cajole. If this happens to you, please tell our son you are not allowed to take him home and encourage your son that it’ll be alright to complete his week at camp. Please know that troop and camp leaders are very experienced at dealing with homesickness, etc. Your son will be fine.

Pickup after camp will be around noon on Saturday, Jul 23 at the usual MTUMC lower parking lot. No scout leaves until all troop gear is stowed and put and as released by the SPL.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 10 AM at Mt. Tabor HS. We always see summer camp as a positive experience for your son on his journey to Eagle and growth as a young man into adulthood. Thank you for entrusting us with him for this week for this journey in his life.

T934 – Ricky Smith Eagle Project Workday – Aug 16

Ricky Smith’s Eagle Scout Project Workday will be this Saturday Aug 16 from 9:30 to 2:30. Pizza and drinks will be provided for lunch. The location is behind St. Leo’s Church on Springdale Avenue. Volunteers should bring work gloves.

T934 – Summer Camp Paperwork In Person Turn In on This Monday (Jun 27) 6-8 PM

Summer Camp paperwork (BSA med form, CRK forms) that still needs to be turned in (by Jul 1), must be brought in Monday, Jun 27 to the MTUMC scout room. Leaders will be there from 6:00-8:00. Contact Tonya at (336) 906-1064 or Amanda at (336) 408-8139 with questions.

Also, summer camp departure location will still be at Mt. Tabor High School (Petree entrance) on Sunday, Jun 17 at 10 AM.

T934 – Summer Camp Swim Checks Next Sunday (Jun 12) and COH Tomorrow (Jun 6)

We will conduct mandatory swim checks next Sunday Jun 12 at 9:30 AM at the New Sherwood Pool on Allistair Drive. There will be a $5 guest pass fee payable in cash that morning and you will need to sign a waiver form that morning. Everyone going to summer camp at Raven Knob must complete this test in advance of camp.

Our last Court of Honor will be tomorrow at 7 PM in the Alspaugh Worship Center. Following the COH, there will be a short required meeting for all scouts (and a parent) who will be going to summer camp with our troop for the first time this year to discuss what to bring and what to expect.

Contact Lee Danhauer ( if you cannot attend the Jun 12 swim test session or with any questions about summer camp.

T934 – David Settlemire Eagle Project Car Wash Fundraiser THIS SATURDAY (Jun 4)

David Settlemire will be holding an Eagle Project car wash fundraiser on Sat June 4 from 10-2 at the MTUMC front parking lot. Scouts can help and get service hours. Parents can help support David’s project by bringing your cars to be washed. Volunteers – please help by bringing buckets and sponges. Pizza and snacks will be served as well for the volunteers.

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