All: Any remaining orders and ALL money are both now overdue and must be turned in by 7pm tonight. Also, do NOT enter any *new* orders in Campmaster website (or change existing orders); Scouts will be responsible for any duplicates.
Ravens: Please arrive no later than 6.30 for the 1 mile run (a rank requirement). Wear Class B t-shirt.
Parents and Scouts: We’re almost there! Let’s finish strong and sell enough popcorn this week (online) to get the last $2K to make our goal. There are a number of Scouts who have sold little to no popcorn this year. If each of the families of these Scouts would commit to buying – for just THEMSELVES – a mere $50 of online popcorn (that’s just TWO boxes of microwave popcorn), we could make our goal. NO scout should shirk this duty to the troop to keep our costs down for all by making others carry their load. Please help your son with his duty: buy a couple of boxes online in the name of your son. The Scouts and Leaders of our troop thank you.
Outdoor Committee meeting tonight at 6 PM.
Linville Backpacking trip – Final planning tonight during troop meeting (see Bryan Scott).
Please take a few minutes to read the new High Adventure tab on the Troop 934 website, which includes lots of information on High Adventure in general and the new participant nomination and selection protocols in particular.
Thank you
Parents and Scouts, There will be a very important meeting about High Adventure during tonight’s regular Monday meeting. We will discuss our revised approach for selecting scouts and leaders for High Adventure. Any Scout, Parent of a Scout and/or Adult Leader who has any interest in attending any one of the four HA bases (Philmont, Northern Tier, Seabase, Summit) during 2024 and beyond should attend. Please note this absolutely applies for current Ravens / parents of Ravens.
Also remember that our popcorn sale is continuing, with check-in starting at 6.30. As a reminder, part of “being active in your troop” is being active in popcorn. All scouts are expected to participate in popcorn.
Thank you
Elias Bankson’s Eagle project workday will be this Saturday, September 24th, from 8:30am to 3pm. He will be making an area for a firepit at Simons Community Garden at 1922 S. Martin Luther King Dr. There will be lunch for volunteers. Come at any time that is convenient for you. Let Elias know you can come help by sending an email to his mom ( or sending him a text (336-749-3561).
Good Afternoon, Troop 934 Parents and Scouts!
Ahead of this evening’s Troop Meeting I’d like to share the following POPCORN updates:
– Last weekend’s storefront sales raked in THOUSANDS toward our $30,000 Troop Goal! Many more remain… with openings for Scouts & Adults alike. See link further below. Shout-outs to Ken Hartley, Gary Cagle, Paul Mistor, and Karen Couture who stepped up this past weekend!
– Have your Scouts report to the church lobby at 6:30 to report their new weekly sales – this is how they enter the raffle & we estimate Troop achievement! $100 in new weekly sales (online, door-to-door, storefront) since last meeting qualifies for entry!
– When customers pay by check, please advise them to write them to: Troop 934.
– Tonight I’ll make a few announcements about new, non-raffle prizes… for all Scouts making 1 or more sales, plus something extra for high achievers.
I can’t wait to see how high the “thermometer” goes tonight when we put the red marker in SPL Jack Galyon’s hand at meeting’s end!
The trip to Kerr Scott this weekend is really close to being cancelled for want of one additional adult leader. If no one steps up (with the Scoutmaster, Tonya Scott and Chad Marion), we’ll be forced to cancel the trip (disappointing the boys who want to go). Can you help these boys go on their trip? Contact OC Chair Lee Danhauer before midnight tonight (
Our quarterly Court of Honor will be tomorrow, Sep 12 at 7 PM in the Alspaugh Worship Auditorium. All Scouts and at least one parent/adult caregiver are expected to attend to celebrate the advancements and achievements of our Troop Scouts. Other important announcements will be a part of the program including our Popcorn fundraising endeavor. We look forward to seeing you Monday night!
Apologies for the late notice, but due to the rain Elias Bankson’s Eagle project workday (originally scheduled 8.30-5.00 today) will be rescheduled for a future date.