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CRK Campout – Reminders & Information

Everyone – Remember to pack your rain jacket and water bottles and review the information below.  It is always 10* colder at CRK than Winston-Salem. A personal mess kit is required — we do not supply paper plates.

Friday Departure – We will be leaving MTUMC at 5.30pm sharp – you must arrive no later than 5.00pm. Wear your Class A and bring a bag dinner to eat on the bus as no food will be provided on Friday.

Sunday Return – The expected return to MTUMC is 12.30pm but Scouts will not be released until the bus is unpacked and gear is put away; parents plan on 1.00pm pick-up.


– Pack using a large duffel bag (See )

– Please turn in any medications and details as needed to an Adult Leader going on the Trip

– Bring a small backpack or bag for a hike – bring your own Water and Snack

– Bring Rain gear and boots or hiking shoes

– Bring extra snacks as needed – food will be provided but if your scout wants something specific they will need to bring it

– No electronics – Phones are only allowed on the Bus Ride to and from – Phones are not to be used at Camp

– No pocket knives – Ravens have not earned their totem chip yet. 

– Bring 2 refillable camping water bottles

Older Scouts

– Bring Rain gear, work gloves, and boots or hiking shoes

– No electronics – Phones are only allowed on the Bus Ride to and from – Phones are not to be used at Camp

– Bring 2 refillable camping water bottles

– Bring work clothes you can get dirty

– Please turn in any medications and details as needed to an Adult Leader going on the Trip  

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