Troop 934 – LIVE Meeting Tonight (Feb 8) at 7 PM
The Troop will have a LIVE meeting tonight at MTUMC at 7 PM.
ALL Scouts UNDER the rank of Life should bring their Scout Handbooks. Patrols will be logging the current status of each Scout with a rank UNDER Life (Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd Class 1st Class and Star) to see what remains in each Scout’s advancement needs.
Mr. Marvin will NOT be present at tonight’s meeting. He has asked Scouts that have advancement checkoffs that need logging to take a picture of the signed off item (blue card, MB worksheet/completion notice, red/yellow/green cards, etc.) and email it to him (
We will be hosting the Pack 934 Webelos tonight. Welcome them warmly, please, as they will be bridging up to be our newest Scouts in a few weeks.
The meeting should last approximately 1 hour.
Dress WARMLY. We will be gathering in PATROLS ONLY.
(Until further notice, our meeting schedule will be live meetings every other week with “office hours” on the off week).