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Troop 934 – Nov 30: “Live” Office Hours for SM Conf’s and BOR’s (COH on Dec 7)

No whole troop meeting tomorrow, Nov 30. But we will have in-person office hours for advancement and merit badge checkoffs, Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review. This will be the last chance for SM Conf’s and BOR’s before the Dec 7 Court of Honor (COH). If you (or your son) has all requirements completed (or is ready to get them checked off tomorrow) for your (his) next rank, then PLEASE EMAIL MR. ANTHONY ( to be sure we can expect you (your son) for office hours (6:00-7:00).

LEADERS: Please arrive early (5:50) tomorrow, Nov 30, to ensure we can meet with all scouts needing advancement and merit badge sign offs, and conduct BOR’s as directed by Dr. Golden.

COURT OF HONOR: Dec 7 ONLINE. SPL Will Young will be coordinating our second virtual COH by Zoom. More details after this week.

Nov 23 Whole Troop Meeting CANCELLED – SM Conf’s and BOR’s are STILL ON

1) Whole troop meeting for Nov 23 has been CANCELLED due to the Governor’s most recent recommendation/requirement that outdoor group activities be limited to no more than 25 persons. Troop leadership has conferred and all agree that out of an abundance of caution cancelling further troop “in-person” meetings is the best course of action AT THIS TIME. However, as our Dec Court of Honor (COH) is near (Dec 7), Scoutmaster (SM) conferences and Boards-of-Review (BOR) will be the focus of IN-PERSON meetings on Nov 23 and 30 (600-7:00). IMPORTANT: If your scout needs an SM Conf or BOR, please email SM Anthony ( to request an appointment certain for Nov 23 or 30.
2) Leaders: Please come to the Nov 23 and 30 “office hours” time (6-7). Email SM Anthony to advise if you can assist with BOR’s on either Nov 23 and/or Nov 30.
3) Curtis Creek Freeze Out: Similar to the in-person whole troop meetings, troop leadership has concluded that the Dec 4-6 Curtis Creek trip is CANCELLED. The troop will focus on the trips in January (tentatively Wachovia District Klondike (Jan 15-17) and/or Uwharrie Freeze Out (Jan 22-24)).
4) Finally, December Court of Honor (COH): Dec 7 ONLINE ONLY. Again, out of an abundance of caution (and considerations of weather and darkness), we will be holding the Dec 7 COH by Zoom. More information will be forthcoming.

Troop Office Hours ONLY Tonight (Nov 16) 6:00-7:00

No troop meeting this week: Only Office Hours (6:00-7:00 outside). Scouts can come by MTUMC to get advancement and merit badge sign-offs. Eagle meetings with the Scoutmaster are by appointment only. Eagle meetings with mentors are possible if arrangements are made to be sure mentors will be present. (Note: NO Eagle meetings during troop/patrol meeting times). Ravens will be meeting VIRTUALLY tonight online. (See Mr. Brown’s email).

Popcorn Pickup – 11/13/2020

Popcorn Pickup Process

The time has arrived everyone! Where did the time go? No really…where??

Popcorn pickup will take place at Mount Tabor United Methodist Church in the upper parking lot breezeway in front of the Welcome Center. The process will be as follows:

  • You drive up in front of the breezeway (and stop)
  • Pop the trunk (or boot if you have an older car with a British accent)
  • We load (cheerful scouts will be provided)
  • You sign (trust but verify)
  • You deliver (buckle up!)

Pretty simple.

What time you may ask? Great question.

The powers that be have stated that as soon as they get back from their long and much deserved lunch they’ll be ready to start the whole drive through/load/sign and drive process.

Pick up will start on November 13, 2020 between the hours of 2:00pm and 8:00pm. Come early as the lines will be long and there are no fast passes available due to Covid printer delays. We do apologize for the inconvenience.

If you’re not there by 8:00pm – a result could be a call from us and you’ll have to listen to us sing until you show up (that’s probably not gonna happen – but you’ve been warned – we do love our 80’s music) .

Thanks for reading this – The Management

Popcorn Pickup – Help Needed

Popcorn is coming on Friday, November 13th.  We need a couple of adult volunteers to help sort and pick orders during the day and we need about 4 Scouts to help at pick up time in the evening. Many hands make light work folks!

If you can help please email Amanda Treadway at

Also, all popcorn has to be picked up that day so if you placed a wagon or paper order watch our website for a post on when orders are ready for pickup at MTUMC.  We’ll be doing pickup till 8:00 on the 13th!

Whole Troop Meeting – 6:30 Monday, Nov 9

The whole troop will be meeting tomorrow, Nov 9, at 6:30 in the usual area of the lower parking lot. There will be office hours starting at 6:00. Adult leaders, please arrive a bit early (5:45) to ensure 2 Deep Leadership.

Upcoming events: Nov 14 – Webelos Day and PLC Overnight; Dec 4-6 – Curtis Creek Freeze Out

Troop 934 – Tonight: PLC Meeting at 6 and Outdoor Cmte at 6:30 (NO “Office Hours”)

No “Office Hours” tonight. Just PLC and Outdoor Committee meetings.

All members of the PLC will be meeting tonight at 6:00 at MTUMC in the courtyard area (to start). Be prompt – ALL members of the PLC are required to attend. Where something warm as it is likely you will remain outside for the entire meeting.

Outdoor Committee will meet at 6:30 – In the courtyard area (to start). Please be on time. Where something warm in the likely event we will be outside for the whole meeting.

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