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Mark Werkman Memorial Fund


We were saddened earlier this year by the passing of Mark Werkman, a Troop 934 leader whose influence has been felt across our troop for over twenty years. Mark was not only an assistant scoutmaster, but also a true mentor to our Scouts and Scouters. He taught many within Troop 934 the skills of outdoor cooking, especially cooking with Dutch Ovens. Mark was a master at planning and shopping for campouts and large events and we still use the skills and lessons he taught us today.

Gray Jolly, another long-time Troop 934 leader, recalls how Mark patiently guided him through the menu planning and shopping list development for a campout for nearly 95 people. Mark was always willing to share his outdoor cooking expertise with the Scouts. On one memorable trip, Mark supervised 10 Boy Scouts (the “Troop 934 Cooking Crew”) as they cooked for over 80 people from Troop 934, the Pack 934 Webelos, and their families.

Mark’s professional background as an aircraft technician and a pilot made him meticulous and organized. He had a passion for Troop 934’s outdoor program and stayed active in Troop 934 long after his son had graduated from active participation in our troop.

Use of Funds

In addition to outdoor cooking, Mark Werkman was the master of the Troop 934 trailer. He instructed the Scouts and other leaders on how to carefully and efficiently load and unpack the trailer and also how to store our tents and other equipment safely.

We, the leaders of Troop 934 believe that the new troop trailer will be a fitting way to honor Mark and his scouting spirit. The old red trailer that Mark so loved has deteriorated with age and is, unfortunately, no longer suitable for use by our troop. The Werkman trailer will help Troop 934 transport camping gear, supplies, and tents for our trips and make our trips successful.

As you may know, the Troop has already purchased a new 2023 Kaufman enclosed trailer using a meaningful and significant portion of our cash reserves. Including the cash from the sale of the red trailer, we hope to replenish at least $5,000.00 of that amount in the coming year. To that end, we ask you to join us in this tribute by making a donation of any amount. Your generosity will benefit our troop and help us preserve Mark’s memory and legacy.

How to Make a Donation


Please click this link: Mark Werkman Memorial Fund which will open a new browser window hosted by Square, the online payments platform. From there, select your preferred donation level from the drop-down that will appear:

  • $25.00 Donation
  • $50.00 Donation
  • $100.00 Donation
  • $250.00 Donation

Via Paper Check & US Mail

We can also accept donations via check (no cash please!). Please make payable to “Troop 934” and include Mark Werkman Memorial in the memo line. Mail to

Will Maddux, Treasurer–Troop 934
1052 Willowlake Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27106

If you need a receipt for tax planning purposes please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you!

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