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Welcome Back to Scouts Cook-Out

Parents and Scouts:

Please join us on Monday, August 5th at 7:00 p.m. for our annual Welcome Back to Scouts cookout at Leinbach Park!  Pizza and drinks will be provided by the Troop, and we will hold SPL elections. Wear your Class A, but bring a t-shirt for volleyball.

See you there!

Welcome our new unit: Venturing Crew 934!

We are excited to announce the creation of a new BSA unit at Mount Tabor United Methodist Church this fall.  Venturing Crew provides older youths with an opportunity for further development and follows the ALPS model, emphasizing Adventure, Leadership, Personal Growth, and Service.  Crew 934 will be co-ed and open to youths age 16 to 20 years old.  Existing scouts must have achieved Life rank through their BSA troop.  The Crew will meet Monday nights at 7:00 pm, the same time as Troop 934.  Venturing is designed to be a more flexible, youth-led experience focused on high adventure.  For registered members of Troop 934, there is no additional cost to join Crew 934.  Please contact Bryan Scott or Lee Danhauer for more information.

What is Venturing?

The Venturing program emphasizes four main areas known as the A-L-P-S model:

​Adventure – Mentoring, leading, and participating in crew-led adventures.

Leadership – Ongoing leadership development through training, mentoring, and hands-on leadership.

Personal Growth – Goal-setting in support of personal growth.

Service – Leading and participating in community service.

Scouting America aims to build character, develop citizenship and foster personal fitness. The Venturing program uses the components listed below to meet those aims:

Leadership and Mentoring – Venturers are given opportunities to learn and apply proven leadership skills. A Venturing crew is led by youth officers. Training courses, such as the Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews, uses experiential learning to teach Venturers how to lead effectively. Once Venturers have led several activities, they are asked to then mentor the other leaders in their crew.

Group Activities and Adventure – Venturers work within teams on everything they do. Their success is dependent on the interaction and cooperation of all, preparing Venturers for their future careers and paths.

Recognition – Venturing includes an optional awards program that acknowledges and recognizes our youth for their progress through Venturing’s four main areas of emphasis (ALPS).

Adult Association – Adults serve to advise the youth as they plan events and make decisions, while ensuring the program remains youth-inspired and youth-led. This partnership provides our youth with essential connections and lessons that will prove useful in their future paths.

Ideals – Venturers are expected to know and live by the Scout Oath and Law, ideals of Scouting created to inspire a culture of servant leadership, both inside and outside of Venturing.

Group Identity – Venturers are not asked to conform to a set uniform. Instead, they have the opportunity to create their own standards for attire at their events and meetings, as they see fit.

Service – Venturers serve their local and distant communities through personal and group service as the crew plans activities and individuals make progress through the Venturing awards program

The Venturing Motto: Lead the Adventure

Eagle Scout Project

Luke Mistor’s Eagle Scout Project Workdays on August 8th and 9th start at 9:00 AM. Please meet at Ken Carlson Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club, 2100 Reynolds Park Road. You will be building a shelter on the soccer field. Food and drinks will be provided.

Jackson Hartsough’s Eagle Scout Project is taking place Friday, August 16th from 4pm to 6pm and Saturday, August 17th, from 10am to 2:30pm. His project is repairing and refurbishing a brick labyrinth behind Mt. Tabor UMC. Please bring work clothes to dig in, closed toed shoes, gloves, and water. The project will take place behind the equipment shed (map location below – red pin). Jackson requests that interested participants fill out this Google Form.

Upcoming Events

August 5, 7pm: Welcome Back Cookout, Leinbach Park

August 8 & 9: Luke Mistor’s Eagle Scout Project Workdays

August 12, 7pm: Troop Meetings @ MTUMC

August 16 & 17: Jackson Hartsough’s Eagle Scout Project Workdays

September 9, 7pm: Court of Honor @ MTUMC

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