Weekly News Roundup
Congratulations to our Scouts
The troop sold $37,810 in popcorn sales! Everyone worked really hard!
New Bus Named Claire
We showed our new (to us) bus named Claire to the boys and leaders a couple of weeks ago! Thank you to everyone who contributed to the purchase either by selling popcorn or making donations.
Top Popcorn Sellers
1. Patterson H.
2. Novan K.
3. Eli B.
Popcorn Prizes
Popcorn prizes will be awarded and our Grand Prize and Goal Reacher Drawings will happen at our annual banquet on December 6th.
Upcoming Court of Honor and Lock-In
Our next Court of Honor will also be at our annual banquet on December 6th with our troop Lock in right after the Banquet is cleaned up, please sign up.
Klondike Derby and Ski Trip Sign Up Deadlines
We are also signing up for the Klondike Trip on January 17th-19th and the Ski Trip (New two nights) on February 21st – 23rd (ski or snowboard lesson included).. Winterplace is requiring a headcount be given to them by mid-December so the deadline to sign up for the ski trip is the COH. For more details, come to the scout meetings. The sign ups are underway in the Boy Scout Room as always.