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Summit Experience ’24

Expedition Number SE070624 | Dates July 6-11, 2024

Please review these important policies and other updates regarding the Summit Bechtel ’24 trip, Summit Experience.

This page was last edited Friday, 4th August 2023.

Total Cost

The expected cost of this trip is $1,400.00/participant.  This includes Summit Experience tuition ($1,100*), ground transportation (i.e., gas for the bus) plus a meal on the return trip ($100) and swag/incidentals ($200).  This amount will be due in full from every participant by 15th May 2024. 

Please note – Unlike other Seabase/Northern Tier (and other Summit experiences), the Summit Experience prices at the participant level. Our estimate of $1,400 does not change based on the number of participants – which is effectively unlimited.

*The Summit Experience website includes the following disclaimer: “Additional fuel, food, utilities or other surcharges may be required based on economic conditions, increased costs, and other factors.” Troop 934 will communicate updates regarding tuition increases if and when we receive them.

Payment Plan

To date, most participants have paid at least $175.00 towards the trip, leaving $1,225.00 to go.  Troop 934 is going to collect that amount in nine monthly installments of $140.00/person/month with the first installment due beginning of September 2023 and the final installment being due at the beginning of May such that the full $1,400/participant is paid no later than 15th May.  Mechanically, we will issue everyone a Square invoice (grossed up 3.5%) and you can EITHER pay the Square invoice OR bring a paper check to the first regular Monday meeting of each month.  The payment is late if not paid by the 15th of the month.  When the participant is fully paid we will stop issuing monthly invoices to the individual (at present, there is at least one leader who will not get a May ’24 invoice).

If a participant does not want to be bothered with the payment plan s/he is more than welcome to accelerate and pay the entire balance now.  As tuition must be paid to Summit in installments there is no deferral of monthly payments due.

Late additions to the trip (i.e., people who sign-up anytime after 1st September) are expected to get current as quickly as possible.


Troop 934 has never run a trip to Summit Bechtel Reserve, so we are not 100% sure how refunds will work. Additionally, please note:

  • Money has already been paid to Summit Bechtel Reserve on your behalf.
  • The Summit website clearly says ALL PAID FEES ARE NONREFUNDABLE; however, this applies to monies paid by Troop 934 to Summit Bechtel Reserve.

Until we learn otherwise, our refund policy will be as follows:

  • Prior to 15th Oct. we should be after to issue you a full refund.
  • 50% of the Troop’s tuition is due 1st Nov. and will be paid by 15th Oct.; once this payment is made a full refund becomes difficult.
    • If you request a refund after this date we should be able to shift money paid on your behalf to other Troop 934 participants. However, Summit Bechtel Reserve may block this activity; Troop 934 makes no guarantees.
  • The remainder of the Troop’s tuition is due 90 days prior to arrival and will be paid ~2 weeks prior.
    • After this payment is made we do not expect to be able to issue any sort of a refund.
    • There is a scenario where if the troop has a substitute participant and if Summit Bechtel Reserve allows your registration to be changed from your name to that of the new person Troop 934 will issue you a refund after the substitute has paid the full tuition to Troop 934.
  • If you withdraw from the trip after swag (t-shirts) have been ordered we will be unable to refund that portion of the fees.

If you are going to withdraw, please send the Scoutmaster (Lee D.), the Troop Treasurer (Will M.) and the overall Trip Leader (Dan A.) a confirmatory email ASAP so we have a paper trail. A verbal is not enough.

Other Matters

Eligibility. The Summit Experience is open to registered Scouts who are at least 13 years old by the date of their arrival and their registered leaders.

Group Size. The minimum group size is seven with the majority being youth members.

Equipment. The Summit provides tents, cots, and all program equipment for the unit. Think summer camp on steroids.

Meals. Breakfast and dinner will be served in the Summit dining hall. Shelf-stable lunches will be issued to accompany participants to their daily program venues.

Passports.  Passports are not required for this trip.

BSA Membership.  All High Adventure participants on the trip must be active members of the BSA.  At present, not everyone on the trip is an active member.  Participants who are over 18 and under 21 at the time of the trip must be registered as College Scouter Reserve and be current on Youth Protection Training (YPT).

SWAG. Troop 934 will design and produce a custom hooded sweatshirt and a t-shirt for this trip. If anyone is good with Adobe and wants to take the lead please speak up. We will also make an advance group order directly from Summit for souvenirs (scout belts and patches).

Participant Guide. Summit publishes an excellent participant guide, which can be accessed here. A careful read of this document will answer many of the questions you may have at this time.

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