Summer Camp
Troop 934 always attends Camp Raven Knob during Session 5.
For 2024 the dates are Sunday, 14th July – Saturday, 20th July.
- CRK Tuition: $425.00 (a $35.00 increase over 2023)
- Troop Gas, Dinner & Campsite Supplies: $50.00 (a $20 decrease vs. 2023)
- MB/Activity Fees: Usually ~$20.00, but can range from zero to $120.00 depending on selections
- Troop Picture (optional but recommended): $10.00
- Square Processing Fees: ~$17.50
- Total expected cost ~$525.00
- For 2025 all Summer Camp payments MUST be made using Square
- NO personal checks. We are a volunteer organization. Thank you for your understanding.
- An initial deposit of $150.00 is due ASAP (ideally by 31st January 2024 as we pay CRK 15th February)
- Signup at: NOTE: This is a Square store (not Eventbrite).
- We cannot register you for Merit Badges until we receive your deposit (and pay it to CRK)
- MB/Activity registration starts 15th March but we need your selection form by 15th February
- Invoices for the balance will be emailed sent via Square in late March after you scout is registered
- All payments must be made by 31st May 2025
Financial Assistance
- The cost of summer camp should never be a barrier to attending summer camp.
- There is a limited amount of financial aid available at the Council level.
- Awards are usually in the $75.00 – $100.00 range
- There is a simple one-page form available from the Scoutmaster
- While there is no formal deadline, sooner is better as the pool is finite
- Know that the Council’s first questions are often
- Did the Scout sell popcorn during the Fall?
- Did the Scout sell camp cards during the Spring?
- Camp Cards are great way to reduce the cost of Summer Camp
- The cards cost $10.00; $5.00 goes to the Council and $5.00 goes to your Scout’s tuition
- Be on the lookout for emails / information about Camp Cards
- Please speak with us ASAP if you need assistance.
- At present, Troop 934 does not have a formal financial assistance program. However …
- Troop 934 is committed to providing summer camp for all interested Scouts.
Merit Badge / Activity Registration
- Troop 934’s MB/Activity registration form is available here:
- Please print, complete and email a photo as directed ideally by February 2025.
- THIS FORM IS DUE NO LATER THAN APRIL 15th – Unlike prior years we must register all Scouts by 24th April. This does not mean that CRK registration is closed after 24th April, it just means that registration after 24th April is incrementally harder.
- Note that Merit Badges for 2025/2026 Ravens (i.e., current Webelos who will join T934 in Feb 2025) are pre-selected. We do need your form for troop picture, T-shirt size and food allergies.
Other Information to Come
- Health and other forms
- Sunday drop-off logistics
- Wednesday night family meal
- Directions to camp