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Popcorn Information

Dear Troop 934 Parents and Scouts – 

Thank you for your time discussing our Popcorn & Peanut fundraiser during the Court of Honor.

It was great seeing 11 scouts hit the deck running, generating $1200 in Week 1 total sales, and awarding a crisp $100 bill to Adam Scott who won our first raffle.

Each of the next five (5) Mondays scouts will need to bring:

–  Updated, legible popcorn & peanut sales sheets

–  Check(s) payable to Troop 934 (including one from you representing cash from take sales)

–  Note: parents please do not log door to door nor storefront sales into the popcorn portal (I take care of this for you)

How to qualify to enter the weekly raffles?

– Every week your scout sells an incremental $100 or more over the last week, his name goes into the drawing

– I pull reports for their online sales so please do not record those on their paper sales sheets

The awarding of gift cards for every scout making at least one online sale was moved to Monday 9/16 to all more scouts to participate

–  Each of you was sent a login email from “Camp Masters Customer Service” for easy portal access.  If you don’t have this, please visit the following link and register your scout, taking care to align him to TROOP 934: Camp Masters

–  Once inside, click “Promote Yourself Online,” then enter an email address to which Camp Masters will send his personal popcorn page.

–  It also gives you the option to copy his personal popcorn page address for distribution on social media.

Store front sales will be running Saturdays and Sundays during September

–  These are “Class A Uniform” events where the scouts do the approaching & selling

–  Parents serve as cashbox handlers and safety advisors

–  Total daily sales are divided equally among the scouts working that day

THANK YOU for supporting the Troop and your scout’s fulfillment of the $700 sales commitement … and beyond!

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