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Meetings Tonight

Good morning scouters! Scouts will meet this evening at 7pm. Please see below for upcoming events and sign-up links.

Outdoor Committee Meets this evening.

Mandatory Shakedown TONIGHT

If you are attending the winter backpacking trip, please note that there is a mandatory shakedown this evening. The trip packing party is also this evening.

BSA National Dues

Parents and Adult Leaders, please be on the lookout starting 15th February for an email from BSA Nationals. This email is your renewal dues invoice from the BSA; it contains an online payment link which MUST be used to pay national dues.  We do not yet know what email address the BSA will use to send the invoice from but please know that the invoice is real.  Online payment via the link sent via email by the BSA using your personal credit card is the ONLY way to pay UNLESS a family is using Medicare benefits to pay dues (if that is the case please do NOT pay online but come see us).  Unlike years past Troop 934 will NOT be collecting cash and sending it to nationals on your behalf.  Also, please note the BSA National invoice does not include Troop 934 dues which will be invoiced via Square later in the year.  Finally, please know that last week we scrubbed the system and updated the “Parent/Guardian” email addresses for Scouts to the address we have been using to send Square invoices; we also reviewed the adult leader list.

Adult Leaders (including College Scouter Reserve i.e., anyone currently age 18 or higher), please know (1) you must be current on YPT training in the system BEFORE you can renew (pay) online, (2) it takes 24-48 hours for the YPT system to communicate with the membership renewal system and (3) the membership system still has a glitch that can incorrectly show a leader as still needing YPT; this glitch must be manually overridden by OHC staff.

We know there will be questions about this new system and process; you should ask them.  For example, there are a few new Scouts and Leaders (i.e., those who joined or re-joined Scouting after 31st March 2023) who will NOT be getting an invoice this month but rather will be getting an invoice on their 12-month anniversary.  On our side we will be monitoring the system weekly for payment status updates.  We WILL be chasing you for payment — if you do not pay by the deadline (which we think is 31st March) you will be dropped from the BSA’s active membership and have to rejoin later in order to participate in Troop 934 activities.

– Will Maddux

Summer Camp Deposits Due

REMINDER: 2024 CRK Summer Camp deposits are currently due (31st January). We are also collecting MB/Activity requests. Please see the troop website for the payment link, request form and other key details:

Upcoming Events

February 12, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

February 16-18: Winter Backpacking at South Mountain State Park

February 19, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

February 23, 6pm: New Ravens Bridging Ceremony @ MTUMC

February 26, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

March 4, 7pm: Court of Honor

March 11, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

March 15-17: Weekend at Camp Raven Knob (new ravens first troop trip)

March 18, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

March 25, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

Meetings Tonight

Scouts will meet this evening at 7pm. Please see below for upcoming events and sign-up links.

Please note: there is no outdoor committee meeting this evening. Please plan to attend the outdoor committee meeting next Monday (February 12).

Raven Day

Raven Day is Saturday, 10th Feb from 9-1 at 3700 Old Pfafftown Rd. Lunch is included. Focus is on completing advancement to First Class. This free event is open to all scouts and is a great way for older scouts to complete EDGE-method requirements for Star and/or Life rank.

Summer Camp Deposits Due

REMINDER: 2024 CRK Summer Camp deposits are currently due (31st January). We are also collecting MB/Activity requests. Please see the troop website for the payment link, request form and other key details:

Upcoming Events

February 5, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

February 10: Senior Raven Academy

February 12, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

February 16-18: Winter Backpacking at South Mountain State Park

February 19, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

February 23, 6pm: New Ravens Bridging Ceremony @ MTUMC

February 26, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

March 4, 7pm: Court of Honor

March 11, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

March 15-17: Weekend at Camp Raven Knob (new ravens first troop trip)

March 18, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

March 25, 7pm: Scouts @ MTUMC

Signups – Raven Day + February Backpacking

Raven Day is Saturday, 10th Feb from 9-1 at 3700 Old Pfafftown Rd. Lunch is included. Focus is on completing advancement to First Class. This free event is open to all scouts and is a great way for older scouts to complete EDGE-method requirements for Star and/or Life rank.

Reminder also of the upcoming Winter Backpacking trip Feb 16th-18th at South Mountains State Park.

Signup for both at

Meeting Reminder

I hope you are all well. Just a reminder that we are meeting Monday night, January 15th at 7:00 pm at Mt Tabor UMC in the Scout area.

Klondike Cancelled for 2024

Unfortunately, due to the sheer volume rain over the past few days OHC had to postpone the Klondike to next weekend. Most of the adult leaders and some of the scouts who were going this weekend have conflicts next weekend and as a result Troop 934 has withdrawn from the competition. Full refunds have been issued. Thank you

Monday Meeting+OC, Summer Camp & Klondike

Welcome back! Our first meeting of the year is Monday night at 7pm.

The Outdoor Committe will be meeting at 6pm to discuss the spring calendar. All adult leaders are welcome.

We are now taking Summer Camp deposits — please see the new page on the troop website

The Klondike campout is this coming weekend 12th-14th Jan; register by 11.30pm Tuesday night.

QM Workday Sat 6th Jan 8am-12noon

There will be a quartermaster workday on Saturday, 6th January from 8.00am until noon. Please come directly to the rear of the church. We will be organizing the room and checking tents and cooking equipment for the coming year. Leaders and parents, please park in the lower lot (outside the gates).

Evan Danhauer Eagle Project Workday – Wednesday 20th December 2023

Evan Danhauer’s Eagle Scout Project Workday is this Wednesday, 20th December at Simon’s Green Acre Community Garden (1922 S. MLK Jr. Drive). Starting at 9am Evan will lead the rebuilding of the outdoor stage, which was badly damaged by a falling tree earlier this year. Work gloves, safety glasses and warm work clothes are recommended. If you have questions, please reach out to Evan Danhauer.

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