If you have submitted a form either at a meeting or through email you do not have to submit a new one. Only submit a form via the link below if you have not filled one out and would like to go to summer camp. An email will be sent with payment instructions for the deposit to hold your spot.
Raven Knob is currently closed for camping so our March trip is cancelled. OA elections and OA Conclave are postponed. Our April trip is TBD. If you are 2nd Class with just a couple of requirements left, try and knock them out at home. Your parents can’t sign you off but you can do the work at home and get a quick review at the first meeting back. This could make you OA eligible. I would invite the rest of you to knock out a merit badge or 2. We’ll get back to it as soon as we can.
We still have to recharter on time. If you haven’t already, we will have further postings on what to do.
The Wahissa Lodge Leadership has continued to review the situation regarding this weekend’s Winter Fellowship at Camp Raven Knob and has made the difficult decision to cancel the event.
Our apologies for this last
minute decision and any hardships it may cause members planning to
attend. Logistics regarding the refund and other administrative items
will be handled shortly.
Please continue to monitor our social media and website for updates on refunds.
Eagle Scout Fundraising Event
Frank Littlejohn will be having his Eagle Scout Fundraiser car wash this Saturday, March 14th in the lower parking lot of Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church between the hours of 11:00am to 3:00pm. Tell everyone you know to bring their dirty car/van/truck/bus/motorcycle/scooter/plane for a thorough cleaning. Delta aint got nothing on Frank!
OA Winter Fellowship
Order of the Arrow Winter Fellowship attendees that will be riding in the van this weekend please be in the church lower parking lot dressed in Class A’s and with a bag dinner at 6:00pm. Please send a text to Mrs. Settlemire at 336-6[nine]2-4519 to ensure you have transportation no later than noon on Friday, March 13th.
It is that time of year again! It is time to recharter (or renew your membership) with our Scout Troop. As you may have heard, there was a fairly significant membership cost increase from National BSA this year. However, if your scout sold his requested $400 of popcorn, then he only owes $65 for Recharter. If your scout did not sell his $400 of popcorn, then the new, updates recharter cost will be $140 per scout. Recharter for Adults is still $20.
Please come to the Scout Room to pay for recharter. If you need to mail in your recharter payment, you can send it to Shannon Settlemire at 1540 Brockton Lane, Winston Salem 27106. Please let Shannon know if you need to use this option (ssettlemire@trid.rr.com) so she can know it is coming and keep an eye out for it.
Dan Anthony
Good morning everyone! On behalf of the leadership we would like to highlight the following reminders:
Court of Honor – March 2nd
Just in case you missed the announcement – we will be celebrating the achievements of all our scouts this coming Monday, March 2nd at our Court of Honor ceremony. The ceremony will start at 7pm in The Alspaugh Contemporary Worship Center.
All scouts need to wear their full Class A uniforms and we encourage all parents to attend!
Recharter Deadline – March 9th
The last day to recharter with the troop is March 9, 2020. As always we will be available to take recharter payments at the Court of Honor ceremony this coming Monday, March 2, 2002 in the Welcome Center desk and at the scheduling desk in the Scout Room on Monday, March 9, 2020.
Jonathan Wearn is having his Eagle Scout Fundraiser at the March 2, 2020 Court of Honor. He will be selling Krispy Kreme cards for $20.00/each. You get 10 buy one free get one free dozen for the purchase. His goal is to raise at least $450.00 to purchase all his project supplies.
He’ll be accepting cash purchases only in the Welcome Center before and after the ceremony.
Will Young’s Eagle Fundraiser is this Saturday from 8am-1pm at the MTUMC fellowship hall. He will be selling snacks/breakfast items for the Pinewood Derby. Some folks are already signed up but a few additional hands would be welcome. Wear your uniform. The following folks are signed up already:
Jacob B, Hayden L, John S, Hayden C, Anderson C, Elias B, Hudson M, Patterson H
Troop- There are two scheduled activities that we require you to attend in a whole year- 1) sell popcorn 2) come to scout Sunday. We even made it easy for you by moving the schedule and combining Scout Sunday and Scouting for Food.
Mt Tabor Methodist devotes sizable resources to our troop. One of the ways we say thanks is to show up en masse for Scout Sunday. I can’t begin to relate how sad I am to hear some of the feedback our leadership has gotten over the last week. So, here are the answers to your questions.
Q1) If I have an early SFF shift, can I leave when it’s over?
A) Absolutely not. You can stay and join us at the service
Q2) What if I don’t attend MTUMC?
A) Doesn’t matter. Neither do a lot of us. This Sunday you can.
Q3) What if I have duties to perform at my church?
A) Sorry, you were given ample and repeated instructions so you could make arrangements to be with us on Scout Sunday.
Q4) What if I don’t go to any church?
A) Then come observe what we do. Nobody is going to try and convince you of anything you’re not interested in.
I am cutting my vacation short because Scout Sunday is important. I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday