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Meritbadge Deadline

For inclusion in Monday’s ceremony, all meritbadge paperwork must be submitted to Mr. Marvin BEFORE noon tomorrow. This is a generous deadline set by Mr. Marvin. Let’s be respectful of his time and get everything in well before the deadline.

This Saturday 6/6 and Monday 6/8


A)This Saturday is a BIG day for us. The Ravens will be scrambling for advancement through a whirlwind of activities and there are many others who will attend for signoffs, SMCs and BORS.

The address is 3700 Old Pfafftown Road, Winston Salem 27106. If you are on staff (youth or adult), please be there at 8:30. Class A.

If you are a Raven, follow Mr Brown’s instructions. If you are a non-raven and need signoffs or reviews of any type and ARE NOT on staff, then plan to come either 9:30- 11:30 or 1:30 to 2:30. Class A. You may wish to bring a camp chair. EVERYONE BUT THE RAVENS SHOULD BRING THEIR OWN LUNCH.

B)Monday night is our Summer Court of Honor via ZOOM. Please, please plan to attend. It begins at 7pm and will be fairly brief. As our first (and hopefully only) ZOOM COH, it will be epic. ZOOM LINK WILL BE POSTED ON THIS SITE MONDAY.

C)Immediately following the COH on Monday, we will keep the zoom screen to discuss summer camp. Since things are a little different this year, it would be nice for everyone going to summer camp to stay on. However, consider it mandatory if you have never been to camp with T934.

I look forward to seeing everyone in the next few days.

Online Merit Badge Check-in

While we are all stuck inside during quarantine, the internet has really helped us by bringing merit badge counselors together with scouts from all around to help scouts earn some merit badges. We want to see which merit badges you want to work on, either Eagle-required or not. follow this link to a Google form to tell us which merit badges you would like to work on. Stay safe!

Important Upcoming Meeting

We will have a zoom meeting next Monday, May 18 at 7pm. The link will be posted Monday morning. We will be discussing an upcoming schedule of advancement, boards of review, and summer camp plus our upcoming court of honor. Please plan to attend. Thanks

New Post Email Notification Status Update

Good morning everyone! That’s right – it’s 1:00am.

I am hoping this post makes it out to the new subscribers I just added. You know who you are.

Welcome to the Troop website updates!

If you see this posted on the website and did NOT see the email in your inbox – please check your spam folder for emails from I won’t take it personally – promise!

I’ve worked to get our domain name properly configured to avoid being considered spam so hopefully that will pay off. A whole buncha nerdy SPF/DKIM/DMARC stuff that should make this work like it should.

Technology …. it pays the bills and drives most folks up the wall.

Subscriptions via the link on the homepage (at the top toolbar) should work with Google email addresses again.

If your spam folder is empty (hahahaha) and you’re still not getting notifications – send an email directly to and I’ll continue to troubleshoot as time permits!

Zoom Meeting Info and OA Elections

Hello Troop-

Remember, next Monday, May 4, we will have a Zoom meeting at 7pm. Please follow the link below to join. Obviously, we’re covering some important information so please attend.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 9171 9007
Password: Troop934

OA Election- Following are the folks I have that are eligible for election. If you are on the list and do not wish to be considered, PLEASE let me know asap. If you know you are eligible and are not on the list, do the same.

Once the list is final, we will use Zoom to deliver secret ballot. Unless you know of a reason that someone is unworthy, I would suggest you consider the “all eligible” box.

  1. Elias B
  2. Paul C
  3. Dylan G
  4. Drew G
  5. Mack H
  6. Kyle H
  7. Colin H
  8. James H
  9. Vincenzo M
  10. John S
  11. Jonathan D
  12. Charles G
  13. Ben G
  14. Hudson M

Troop 934 Updates


I know we are all frustrated with our lack of scouting this spring and, if you’re like me, you’re itching to get back in the woods! Here are a few things to occupy your mind while waiting.

  1. Obviously, this weekend’s zipline trip is cancelled.
  2. We will have a ZOOM troop meeting at 7pm on Monday, May 4. Signup details to follow. We will cover a LOT of material so please plan on attending
  3. We are hoping to have an appropriate troop event in early June
  4. It is Highly likely that we will have a normal summer camp experience as currently scheduled during July 19-25th so leave your calendars open
  5. There are multiple opportunities for you to work on merit badges while you are staying at home. Go to and pick a badge and follow instructions. The 3 scouts who complete the most online merit badges will earn a special prize.

May the 4th be with you. See you then!

Scouting Updates

Welcome to interesting times. Our new stay at home world has certainly impacted our scouting efforts. A big shout out to Ty Brown and the raven leaders who have kept the 1st year guys moving along via Zoom.

Look forward to some upcoming merit badge opportunities via online classes. Also, we will be publishing updates concerning our meeting and trip schedule very soon. While many dates are still up in the air, it appears that we have a very high probability of summer camp being normal.

Stay safe and look for updates.

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