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Nantahala River Trip

Troop 934 will be going back to the Nantahala River September 13-15 for our ever popular white water rafting trip. We will leave Friday, September 13 from the Mt. Tabor Methodist lower parking lot and will return Sunday, September 15 in the afternoon. 

There are a limited number of spots for this trip so please sign up early at the link below. We will HAVE to have at least seven (7) adult leaders to serve as river raft guides to make this trip possible. Don’t worry if you don’t have any river rafting experience. We will train you on how to guide a boat. Ravens are welcome on this trip but priority will be given to older Scouts so there is a separate sign up for Ravens. If we have space, then we will take as many Ravens as we can to fill up all spots in order of when they signed up. 

We will be staying in a lodge building with 8 bunkbeds per room and each has a private bathroom so all you will need to bring is bedding or a sleeping bag and towels.

There may be a possibility of ziplining on Saturday afternoon after the rafting but we will not know that until much closer to that day. This will be an added cost if you want to zipline.

Cost of this trip is $75 plus ziplining and lunch on Sunday on our return. Sign up here.

Please contact Lee Danhauer if you have any questions about this trip. This will fill up fast so register as soon as possible.

Pack 910 Support

Pack 910 is having a field day on September 8th and we need a few den chiefs to help out from 3:30 to 5 pm at St Pauls. If you are interested, please sign up at this link.

Luke Mistor’s Eagle Scout Workday

Due to rain, Luke’s project has been rescheduled for September 14th at 9:00 AM. It will be at the Ken Carlson Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club, 2100 Reynolds Park Road. They will be building a shelter on the soccer field. Food and Drinks will be provided. 

Upcoming Events

September 6-7: OA Ordeal #2

September 8, 3:30pm: Pack 910 Field Day

September 9, 7pm: Court of Honor @ MTUMC

September 14, 9am: Luke Mistor’s Eagle Scout Workday

September 13-15: Nantahala Trip

September 16, 7pm: Troop Meeting @ MTUMC

September 20-22: OA Fall Fellowship

September 23, 7pm: Troop Meeting @ MTUMC

September 27-29: NYLT #1

September 30, 7pm: Troop Meeting @ MTUMC

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