Critical Updates for Tonight
1) Tonight is the Troop 934 Summer Court of Honor. It will be in the Alspaugh Worship Center upstairs in the church at 7:00 pm. Scouts should wear their class A uniform for the event and bring a parent.
2) There will be a Summer Camp meeting for scouts and parents of scouts who are attending summer camp following the Court of Honor. It is MANDATORY for Scouts and parents of scouts who are attending Summer Camp with 934 FOR THE FIRST TIME. This meeting may run long so plan for your very young children accordingly.
3) The Seabase Trip Group is Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Lobby. The Seabase final payment of $150 in cash for expenses is due to the payment table.
4) The Philmont Trip Group will meet in the church lobby right after the conclusion of the Court Of Honor, please look for Mr. Hardy.
5) Camp card money and/or returned cards, Summer Camp payments, Health Forms (includes- Parts A, B & C, Insurance card copies (front and back), Immunization Forms and Parental Permission forms) Final Seabase Cash payment of $150 are all due to the payment table at the welcome desk. We will be opening the payment table early at 6:30 pm but we will close for the Court of Honor and reopen after it is over.