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Court of Honor Tonight

Adults and scouts, please join us this evening in full uniform for Court of Honor.

Eagle Scout Fundraisers & Workdays

Colin Hartley’s Eagle Scout Car Wash

  • Car Wash will be from 9:00am to 2:00pm at Mt. Tabor UMC.
  • Drinks and donuts will be provided!
  • All Scouts should wear athletic shorts and t-shirt.


June 14- 15: Please sign up here for Raven Point Water-Based Merit Badge Campout. This is a shakedown trip for Seabase.

Upcoming Events

June 3, 7pm: Court of Honor @ MTUMC

June 14 – 16: Raven Point Water-Based Merit Badge Campout

July 14 – 20: Summer Camp at CRK

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