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Adults Needed at Meetings Tomorrow Night

Attention Adult Leaders:

On Monday, August 19th, 2024 Troop 934 will be conducting the Board of Reviews for the upcoming Troop Court of Honor.  Please feel free to join us to participate in a Board of Review.  We will partner all new adult leaders with an established adult leader for the evening.

Sewing Volunteers Needed:

Anyone interested in sewing merit badges for our Scouts please join us Monday, August 19th and Monday, August 26th.  Supplies will be on hand but feel free to bring your own as well!  

Upcoming Events

August 19, 7pm: Troop Meetings @ MTUMC

August 26, 7pm: Troop Meetings @ MTUMC

September 6-7: OA Ordeal #2

September 9, 7pm: Court of Honor @ MTUMC

September 20-22: OA Fall Fellowship

September 27-29: NYLT #1

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