Popcorn Sales Start Tomorrow!
Either use the app or order forms to sell to friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors! You can either do Wagon Sales/Take orders or online. Just be sure to be safe while selling, wear a mask, and stay 6 feet apart.
Here are some important dates to remember
Orders and money are due Oct 19 – all orders have to be paid in advance this year.
Orders will be in on Nov 13
If you are new to our Trails End or didn’t use the app last year, text APP to 62771 to get a link to download it.
Remember that we ask that every scout sells at least 400.00 in popcorn, Our goal is 30,000 so we need everyone to work together to make this happen.
Here is the link to the prizes this year https://www.oldhickorycouncil.org/files/33348/2020-Popcorn-Prize-Program-Flyer
If you have any questions or need any help please contact Amanda Treadway at atread25@gmail.com or 336-408-8139
Let’s get to selling!!!!!!