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Swim Tests

Hello Parents and Scouts:

We have finalized four additional dates and times for your scout to complete their swim test prior to arrival at Camp Raven Knob.

The additional dates will all take place at Jerry Long YMCA in Clemmons.  (Address:  1150 S Peace Haven Rd, Clemmons, NC 27012)

  • Sunday, June 23rd 12:00 p.m.
  • Monday, June 24th 5:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, June 30th 12:00 p.m.
  • Monday,  July 1st 5:00 p.m.

Please contact with any questions!
Thank you for patience as we worked to schedule these dates!Have a happy weekend!

No Meetings Tonight 

In order to have Merit Badge Mondays this summer, we will need commitments from adult leaders on which Merit Badges they would like to teach and what Mondays they can commit to. As of now, we have no one signed up to teach any classes. Please contact Lee at with Merit Badges and which Mondays you can commit to.

Upcoming Events

July 14 – 20: Summer Camp at CRK

Court of Honor Tonight

Adults and scouts, please join us this evening in full uniform for Court of Honor.

Eagle Scout Fundraisers & Workdays

Colin Hartley’s Eagle Scout Car Wash

  • Car Wash will be from 9:00am to 2:00pm at Mt. Tabor UMC.
  • Drinks and donuts will be provided!
  • All Scouts should wear athletic shorts and t-shirt.


June 14- 15: Please sign up here for Raven Point Water-Based Merit Badge Campout. This is a shakedown trip for Seabase.

Upcoming Events

June 3, 7pm: Court of Honor @ MTUMC

June 14 – 16: Raven Point Water-Based Merit Badge Campout

July 14 – 20: Summer Camp at CRK

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