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Next Troop Trip


We are living in interesting times. Scouting is severely diminished by the absence of our monthly camping trips. Fortunately, after a very successful week at summer camp, I am highly confident that we can hold camping trips safely. We will have to add some protocols but a large percentage of the boys are now accustomed to these actions.

Having said that, we have a zipline trip scheduled for August 8. It overlaps with NYLT and is the week prior to 1st Ordeal (which I highly recommend to all our new OA candidates). So, before we confirm this trip, I need a headcount of those interested. PLEASE EMAIL (ASAP) if you wish to attend. thanks for your prompt attention to this matter.

Stay tuned for updates on our scheduled picnic, SPL election and our September Court of Honor.

Instructions for camp departure

Hello Troop-

I am extremely excited about summer camp coming up as I know you are. Following are some very important instructions.

We are leaving from MTUMC parking lot NOT MT Tabor school as in the past. Arrive Sunday, 7/19 at 11 am. Drive in AT THE STOPLIGHT please, then follow the instructions of those directing traffic

The order of business is as follows (Do not deviate for any reason):

  1. drive to temperature check station first
  2. drive to trailer and QUICKLY drop your gear
  3. drive to parking on WEST side of stoplight entrance
  4. park and walk to colonnade next to office. There will be check-in tables covering several topics. Once you leave your car, please wear a mask. We can argue the merits later, but we need to be uber cautious during this segment of check-in.
  5. Once the scout is fully checked in, we will ask the parents to leave. We’ve enjoyed waving goodbye for many years but simply can’t do it this year.
  6. Once the scout is checked in, he will move over across the courtyard to the second colonnade. Please, no family in this area.
  7. We have no way to social distance on the buses, so we will all have to be masked on the bus also.

All this is a major inconvenience but we appreciate your patience and indulgence.

As usual, we will serve individually wrapped snacks at taps every night so please do not bring food from home. BRING A BAG LUNCH SUNDAY. The first meal is supper. There are additional snacks to be purchased at the Trading Post should you wish to send a small amount of $ with your son.

The summer camp packing list is hung on this website. Please check it and pack accordingly. Remember, there is no visitation this year so please do not come up to camp. They will not let you in. Also, no early departures please. ALL SCOUTS ARE ASKED TO BRING AT LEAST 2 MASKS TO CAMP. DON’T FORGET YOUR WATER BOTTLE.

We travel in CLASS A UNIFORM INCLUDING NECKERCHIEF. Do not bring open toed shoes to camp.


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