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Service Opportunity this Weekend

One of our previous leaders, Dr Patty Balch, has found a great opportunity for scouts to earn service hours this Saturday, October 26. Information copied below. Please contact Dr Balch (information at bottom) if you are able to help. Thanks!

I would ask that they offer their help on Saturday morning beginning at 11:30 to help carry 4x 8 tables and folding chairs and set them up according to the Vendor Coordinator’s instructions. I anticipate this will take no more than 90 minutes depending on how many boys can help. 

We will then need them to break down the tables and carry them back to loading area for pick up beginning at 6:15pm. Again, I estimate perhaps an hour. 

They would need to come to the Wake Forest Innovation Quarter Biotech Lab at 575 North Patterson Avenue.

Any questions, please share my email and phone number. 336-403-4224

Patty Balch

Final Word on Popcorn

Tonight and tomorrow are your last realistic opportunities to sell popcorn. Please meet or exceed your personal goal of $400. I had a scout from another troop knock on my door today selling popcorn. He had a full sheet from my street and the one behind. Nobody from 934 has hit my neighborhood. We are better than this- Sell!!

Troop Popcorn Update – The End Is Near!

From the desk of Mrs. Settlemire:

This is the last weekend to sell Popcorn! Please turn in any forms that are not in the Trails End App this coming Monday, October 21st.  We will be collecting the forms in a different room than the Boy Scout Room follow the signs when you enter the scout area Monday night. We open the turn in for Popcorn Forms at 6:30 pm.

Popcorn Delivery:

Pick up is Friday, November 15th. Volunteers are desperately needed to help with the delivery day efforts. If you can spend even just an hour helping  to sort the orders, we would appreciate it! Please email me and let me know if you are available.

We will accept popcorn money on Monday but all the popcorn money is not officially due until  November 25th.

Please note:

DO NOT BRING CASH: KEEP THE CASH AND WRITE A CHECK TO THE TROOP FOR THE AMOUNT. Please write your scout’s name on the memo line on checks written to the Troop.

Grayson Highlands Backpacking Trip Details

From the desk of the trip leader Josh Nitsche:

Grayson Highlands
Grayson Highlands

The Grayson Highlands Backpacking Trip is full to the brim! The scouts and leaders will be meeting at Mt Tabor UMC on Friday, October 25th  at 5:00 pm for departure.

For the Raven parents:

Please have your scout bring in his backpacking gear to the meeting on Monday, if he did not do so last week.  I want to make sure they have the correct and functional gear.  Also, if there is an item on the packing list that your scout does not have please let us know.  We have lots of extra gear between the adult leaders and the troop.  You don’t have to go out an buy anything, we have outfitted several scouts from scratch on prior trips.
Please let me know if you have questions.

Departure Day:

The scouts need to bring a bag dinner (fast food is fine) with them and wear their class A Uniform. Please see the backpacking packing list on the troop website – click here for the link.

Click here for the 10 day weather forecast for packing wisely!

Kim Towles will be at check in on Friday evening. Please remind your scout to check in with Kim Towles (Nathan’s Mom) upon arrival at the church. Also, you can turn in medications with Kim, however, we like for the boys to keep their inhalers and epi-pens with them. The Troop Trip Signup Sheets now have a column for the scouts to note that they have an inhaler or an epi-pen with them.

Trip Details:

The plan is for the boys to stay at Stone Mountain State Park on Friday Night and drive to Grayson Highlands State Park on Saturday morning to begin hiking. They will spend Saturday night at the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area and hike back to the parking area for lunch on Sunday. They will return around 3:00 pm on Sunday to Mt Tabor UMC. Please remember to watch your phones for updates on the return time as circumstances change quickly when traveling in a large group. If you do not have a phone that can receive group text messages originating from an iPhone, please let Kim know at check-in.

Burn Ban and Cooking:

If you don’t already know there is a burn ban in effect for Grayson county VA, where we will be hiking that includes campfires, but not stoves.  In the surrounding Mount Rogers National Recreation Area the same is true.  So we will be able to cook food for dinner on Saturday night using a camp stove. Also, I will divvying up the different treks in the next few days and will email out those when those assignments are completed.

The Ravens will be cooking as a patrol and the troop will be supplying the main course for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday.  This will allow them to satisfy a rank advancement requirement.  They should still bring snacks some extra food of their own particularly if your scout is a big or finicky eater.

Nathan’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor Ceremony Update

You are invited to attend the Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Nathan Towles this Sunday, October 20th at 2:00 at First Baptist Church Winston-Salem.

5th Street in front of the church will be closed due to an event downtown. Please use 6th Street to access the back parking lot of the church!

Eagle Car Wash

Aidan Alexander will host his long-awaited eagle car wash this Saturday, October 12 from 3:15- 5:30 pm. The location is MTUMC front parking lot. Please come assist with the washing and bring your dirty cars. Adults, please bring your cars and invite your neighbors. Your two-term Senior Patrol Leader has earned your support-be there!

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