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Troop Updates

  1. Reminder- no meeting this week. Happy Labor Day!
  2. There have been some concerns about our upcoming rafting trip to the Nantahala. We have learned that by the time we leave, it is likely that the river will be reopen for commercial business. Should this not be the case, we can use the same accommodation we have already booked and do our rafting on the nearby Tuckaseegee. The trip is on!

1st Meeting of the year


Tomorrow, 8/26, is our first meeting of the year. We will have troop and patrol elections, scoutmaster conferences and boards of review. Please make sure you attend. It is our ONLY meeting before our COH on September 9.

Also, the last PLC meeting of the current term is tomorrow at 6 before the general meeting

SPL election info and picnic

Tomorrow night at 6pm is our preseason annual picnic. If you wish to run for SPL and have not communicated this to your scoutmaster, please do so as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing everyone for food and fun. You do not need your uniform

Troop Popcorn Meeting Rescheduled

From the desk of Mrs. Settlemire

I hope you are all well. It turns that on this past Thursday night, the council communicated some changes to the Popcorn Program. As much as we have tried to get everything arranged based on their changes, there are just too many parts that require coordination with other people.  We are going to have to reschedule the parents  popcorn meeting that we had planned for Monday, August 19th during the picnic.

My apologies, there are just too many issues to be  worked out in one business day to have the meeting on Monday. We will announce our popcorn plans shortly.

Please note that tomorrow night’s Picnic is a class B event (scout t-shirt), drop of your scout at 6:00 pm and return at 8:00 for pick up. Leinbach Park – 3635 Sally Kirk Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27106. .

Since there is only one scout meeting (8/26/19)  before the Court of Honor on 9/9/19, Mr. Marvin will be at the picnic to record awards. I will back him up as much as I can.

From the Desk of Mrs. Settlemire: Fall Reminders

Fall Reminders

We are planning to host a Parents Popcorn Meeting during the picnic at the church in the Youth Commons (the big room in the scout area). If you are unable to come, we will get you the information. But please try to come, we have a lot of exciting popcorn changes this year that I think it will make the whole thing easier and less stressful!

Many of you may remember that in the last several years, that you can sell on-line popcorn beginning on August 1st – this year, there is free shipping on on-line popcorn orders! This is a great way to get your popcorn season finished early and with no hand delivery! If you are interested in selling on-line, please look at our website for more information.

Our first official meeting of the fall is Monday August 26th at 7:00 pm in the Scout Area at Mt Tabor UMC.

Our next Court of Honor will be on September 9th at 7:00 pm in the Alspaugh Worship Center at Mt Tabor UMC. Your scouts’ completions from Camp Raven Knob have been distributed to you and shared with Bill Marvin (our troop Awards Chair). If your scout has other awards or merit badges that he has completed, please turn those in to Mr. Marvin at the meeting on August 26th.

We look forward to seeing everyone back this fall and watch our website for more updates

Prayers for Caleb Marshall’s Family

Dear Scout Family,

I hope you are well. I wanted to let you know that we have a family that needs your prayers and thoughts in our Boy Scout Troop.

Many of you may have met sweet Caleb Marshall who bridged up from our little brother Cub Scout Pack a couple of years ago. His mother, Jenny,  was recently diagnosed with stage 4 Non Hodgins Lymphoma and is currently going through Chemotherapy. She will continue with treatments through the fall. I am including a meal train link if you would like to bring or send Caleb’s family a meal during her treatment. Jenny and her husband, Jeff, have two children. Jenny is a teacher in our community. Caleb’s sister is a member of the Female Troop, 964, at Mt Tabor UMC as well. As you can imagine this is an emotional time for the family and they would appreciate your support as they go through this time. Meal Train Link – 

If you are able to share food with the Marshall Family, they would be very grateful.

A workday and a Picnic


Noah Hardy is having his final eagle workday this Saturday, August 17th from 9am-1pm. You will meet at Mt Tabor church. There will be food . Please email Noah at with questions

Our annual back- to -scouts picnic is this coming Monday, August 19th. It will be at Leinbach park across from MTUMC from 6:00- 8:00pm. We will be hearing speeches from our upcoming SPL candidates, eat food and have games. You do not need a uniform for this event. There will be delicious food provided by Mr Jolly and the T934 cook crew.

We are planning to host a Parents Popcorn Meeting during the picnic at the church in the Youth Commons (the big room in the scout area) from 6:15 to 7:30pm. If you are unable to come, we will get you the information. But please try to come, we have a lot of exciting popcorn changes this year that I think it will make the whole thing easier and less stressful!

See you there!

Noah Hardy Eagle Scout Project – August 10, 2019

Please consider helping Noah Hardy with his Eagle project this Saturday, August 10 from 10-2. You will be painting so wear appropriate clothing. They will feed you. The address is 222 Cedar Trail.

Please send him a note if you can attend and with any questions you may have: noahhardy1102 [at] gmail [dot] com


Important Events This Weekend


Congratulations to all our new candidates for the Order of the Arrow who were called out this summer. This weekend is your first opportunity to take your Ordeal. I highly recommend you attend this one if possible. If you are a current member of Wahissa Lodge, I look forward to seeing you there also. Please pre-register online at This is an excellent opportunity to be an Elangamat and guide your brothers through their weekend.

If you are not in the Order of the Arrow, please consider helping Noah Hardy with his Eagle project this Saturday, August 10 from 10-2. You will be painting so wear appropriate clothing. They will feed you. The address is 222 Cedar Trail.

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